Carmen Brace

Emerging trends across cannabis, consumer goods and wellness.

Cannabis Occasion Diaries

10,000 Occasion Diaries
A longitudinal study of how, why, when and where consumers are choosing cannabis and CBD to solve their Job to Be Done

Do you know which occasions your products are winning and losing?

Cannabis and Wellness: Syndicated Study

Legal cannabis disrupts CPG product demand.

Over 50% stopped or decreased usage of traditional CPG products after using cannabis and CBD.

Aclara collaborated with Ipsos to understand how, why and when consumers were using cannabis and CBD products - identifying need states that impact 100 Million adults.

Projected to reach $41 Billion in sales by 2025, legal cannabis disrupts consumer demand for traditional categories and retailer trips - including alcohol, OTC medications, prescription drugs and wellness products.



“Aclara Research has deep insight into the cannabis and CBD Consumer. We used their survey panel to discover key health and wellness behaviors that aligned with our portfolio.”

— SVP, Food & Beverage Manufacturer

“They helped us understand how and why consumers use cannabis and CBD products.”

— Business Insights Leader, Spirits Manufacturer

“Carmen showed us the behavioral differences between our current cannabis shopper, and the new consumer entering our stores.”

— CEO, Cannabis Retailer

Carmen Brace is a sought-after speaker on the intersection of cannabis, consumer packaged goods, and the challenges of navigating the industry as a self-funded black woman entrepreneur.  

Watch Carmen present cannabis and wellness research to the Illinois Legislature.